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Pool Cleaning Process A pool is the universal symbol for summer relaxation and fun. However, while everyone loves a pool, not everyone loves cleaning it. Properly cleaning a pool takes more time than the average working homeowner has to put in, and the attention and expertise required can realistically only be achieved by a professional. Besides the fun that goes with a clean pool and the consequent grotesqueness induced by a disgusting one, there are legal limits for exactly how out of shape the pool can be. To avoid legal ramifications, the pool owner, as well as cleaner, need to check local laws regarding such regulations. Once this is done and you have a client, you are ready to clean pools! Although it goes without saying, you need to know how to clean pools first. First, you need to find the condition of the pool. If the pool is murky and green, there will be extra steps to get it into shape. On the flip side, a pool in pristine condition will just need careful monitoring and upkeep. The pool cleaning business basically consists of getting the pool into shape and keeping it that way. For this reason, long time customers will be more valuable than one-time cleans. Green and Murky Let's say that the pool is in terrible condition. I'm talking green algae growing everywhere and water so murky you can barely see the bottom of the 8-foot deep end. Not to worry! There are advanced tools at your disposal that, when correctly utilized, can turn even the most disgusting pool into a dream. You'll need to start with a pool shock and algaecide. Go to a local pool supply store, or an online retailer such as Leslie's Pool Supplies, and get shopping. Check out the reviews on every product, and select the best ones for your job. Remember, you get what you pay for! As stated in the section about equipment needed in pool cleaning, algaecide is a fairly straightforward product. It is often believed to be used best with a pool shock, and it will wipe the algae clean from the pool (for the most part). Pool shock is meant to clean up old chlorine that bonded with other things in the pool, so this is also a good starting point. Come back between a few days and a week later to monitor the progress made by these chemicals. If they have done their job, the pool should be considerably cleaner. If not, you may need new products or simply another round of the ones you already have. Please note that the algaecide and pool shock won't literally clean the whole pool up. There is still a considerable amount of manual scrubbing of the walls that needs to be done with a pool scrubber (also found at most pool supply stores), and skimming that needs to be done with a leaf skimmer/net for floating particles. ***Side Note: Pool shocks are most effective overnight where the sun won't burn off the chemicals*** Getting There So you've either made significant progress on a disgusting pool, or the pool wasn't so bad to start with. Either way, the chemistry of the pool is almost definitely out of whack, and this will not only be irritating to pool users and possibly against legal codes, but potentially help the algae and other microorganisms trying to grow in your pool. To keep the pool from returning to this disgusting state, you need to run some quick tests. To start off, use a pH test kit to determine the pH level of the pool. It will most certainly be too high or too low, however pH being too high is much more common. To get the pH to the correct level you need a pH minus or pH plus chemical, which is basically just an acid or a base. You must use extreme caution when handling these chemicals as they can easily harm your skin. Make sure to mix in the correct amount of water and acid as prescribed on the label, and remember: Always Add Acid to water, NOT the other way around. When the correct amount is mixed, slowly pour the chemical into the water with the pool pump running. It's best to go in small increments and check back frequently than to overshoot the ideal pH (7.2). Next, you'll need to do an alkalinity test. Alkalinity test kits are also very easy to come by, and the test is simple. You will need a chemical to either raise or lower your alkalinity level depending on the point that it is at. This will be done in a very similar manner to pH adjustments, however it should be noted that some alkalinity chemicals affect the pH of the pool. Routine Maintenance The pool is finally in an appropriate state! The pH is right around 7.2 and the alkalinity level is between 80 and 120 ppm. However, your work is not nearly done. Before anyone should use the pool, it must be properly chlorinated. There are a variety of forms of chlorine that you may use for your pool. This being said, the tablets are the easiest to use, and loading in an automatic feeder is all the work you really need to do. Consider offering a feeder to your clients at a low price to boost customer relations. You need to get a good feel for your feeder and specific chlorine tablets to know the frequency with which you need to replace it. Besides replacing chlorine frequently, pH and alkalinity tests should be done very often. The more often you check back, the less likely it is to be way out of the desired range and cause painful red eyes for swimmers. You should also utilize pool shocks every so often to clean out the undesired chlorine compounds. The final step for routine pool maintenance is the most stereotypical: use your skimmer or rake to pick out any floating leaves or other debris from the top of the pool.
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